Saturday, April 03, 2010

Premature Buzzing

I know it's not summer. But they needed a trim and we wanted to save money and basically all we know how to cut are buzzes. Ethan was my guinia pig and let me experiment on him with an actual cut. It was very choppy, but I can see that if over time I continue to practice it will be pretty easy to cut a "normal" boy cut. Whenever we give them buzzes we always pay them $2. It's a terrible thing to pay our own kids for a haircut. But believe me, it's worth it. Choose your battles I say. I had to tip Ethan too. He was such a good sport. I think he sat in that chair for an hour. That'll do boy.

Before.............................. Experiment Hair............................ After

Before.............................. Reverse Mohawk................................... After

Dang we make cute kids.

1 comment:

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

Hawhawhaaw! So cute and such great sports!!