Friday, February 26, 2010

Ethan's 2nd Grade Production - PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL

Last night Ethan had his 2nd grade production at school. He was pretty excited about it. Constantly reminding me when he needed to be at school Thursday night, and that he had to be in the 2nd grade hall but parents were not allowed. He even told me what songs they were going to be singing. And don't forget that I had to make sure he had a plain white shirt to wear. Plain white. No writing on it. He did admit that he "was getting embarrassed to sing in front of everyone". Trainslation, stagefreight. I reminded him that not everyone in the audience will be looking at him. Most parents will be looking at their own kids. So when he feels freaked out just look at us.

Stagefreight, I'm afraid, is an understatement. Terrified maybe? He was cute as can be of course. But can't you just see the pain in the poor boy's face?

He was our star though.

And he never found us in the audience.

1 comment:

Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

OMG, he couldn't sit down fast enough at the end! LOL! Bravo, bravo!