Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ethan Looses Another Tooth

I love the jack-o-lantern look that Ethan has now. Believe it or not, his second top middle tooth is very loose also. I cannot wait for it to pop out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it comes out before the other top one grows in. He sounds so cute right now with his lisp.

Cool zombie mouth .......................................... Cute crooked smile ......................


Melody Johnson said...

OMG! I was peeking through my fingers...I am not good with loose teeth, barf or blood. I am not sure how I am a mother. Good thing I have Jerry to take care of those three things!

Catie said...

I never can pull a tooth. I'm okay with barf, but blood is bad for me also. Fortunately every time there's been a trip to the E.R. Brad has been home. I'm sure if the day ever comes when he isn't home, I'll muster up my strength. But until then I tend to curl up in a ball and become a weepy mess.