Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hide and Seek

Lately I have to catch the boys candidly in order to get something cute or funny to share with the world on our blog. When they were younger I could say, "Hey Ethan, show everyone your new trick and flare your nostrils", and ta-da!! Or on a whim they would perform the latest song they learned in music class. This morning I begged them to give me their rendiditon of Lady Ga Ga. But they just wouldn't do it. I told them if they both did it together then it wouldn't be embarrassing. They didn't fall for it. Oh well. I haven't given up on them so stay tuned.

This afternoon I caught Dominic and Ethan playing hide 'n seek with Carmine. It was so cute. I had about 5 mintues of video, but I've scaled it down in this clip. Oh, and please know, Ethan picked out his own clothes this morning. I hope that's obvious.


Carl&JulieFamilySite said...

That's so sweet! I'm so glad that they love playing with their baby brother! Better look out Dom & Ethan! Carmine is a booker and is going to be chasing you two soon!

Catie said...

"Booker". Bwah haw haw!