Lately I have to catch the boys candidly in order to get something cute or funny to share with the world on our blog. When they were younger I could say, "Hey Ethan, show everyone your new trick and flare your nostrils", and ta-da!! Or on a whim they would perform the latest song they learned in music class. This morning I begged them to give me their rendiditon of Lady Ga Ga. But they just wouldn't do it. I told them if they both did it together then it wouldn't be embarrassing. They didn't fall for it. Oh well. I haven't given up on them so stay tuned.
This afternoon I caught Dominic and Ethan playing hide 'n seek with Carmine. It was so cute. I had about 5 mintues of video, but I've scaled it down in this clip. Oh, and please know, Ethan picked out his own clothes this morning. I hope that's obvious.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Hide and Seek
Monday, January 25, 2010
2010 Pinewood Derby
Go Team Volini!
Brad felt the pressure this year to prove that last year was not a fluke. We were thrilled in 2009 when the boys took 3rd and 4th overall. Yes, quite thrilled. But even more shocked. You simply have no idea how your car is going to perform until you see it (hopefully) fly down the lane during it's first race. In fact, your car even making it to the finish line is in question. And if it does make it to the finish line with any speed, your golden. Being that last year was Brad's first ever pinewood derby he's ever attended, the first pine car he's ever constructed... I think my husband is pretty awesome. Needless to say, we reminisced in the after-glow for days. Well, actually more than days. We really enjoyed it and we really looked forward to this year's competition.
Team Volini basically constructed this years cars in the same fashion we did last years. Only Brad found a few more pointers on the internet that he wanted to try out. After the drill press, band saw, sanders, dremmels, funky oatmeal paste, graphite, glue, paint, tape, pipe cleaners, toothpaste, and weight ... Team Volini had completed their cars. #16 & #21. Blue Thunder and Bumble Bee. We took them to weigh them in on Friday night and found that they were slightly over the official weight of no more than 5 oz. So Brad had to remove some of the weight on both cars, which explains the blotchy paint job. But hey, it's not about looks is it? ... ...
This years competion was fantastic. In fact 2 other boys from Dominic's den placed 1st and 2nd in his rank. Den 4 dominated the Bears. It was a lot fun.
We would like to thank Uncle James, Lizzy & Walter for coming to support Team Volini this year. It was nice to hear the extra cheers for the boys. And Uncle James can really cheer.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
So Proud
Ethan. A honor roll. Golden Eagle. Perfect Attendance.

Too cool for school.

Dominic with Michael and J.T.

The honor roll kids.

"Mommy! Take my picture! Micheal will be like, "Aaaah! I can't believe it!" and I'll be like "What?! Aduuuuuh!!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Gates! Where are our gates??
This is the second time I've caught him pulling up to his feet. The first time I saw him I didn't dare leave him to get the camera because his little legs were shaking and he was in such a state of shock. I didn't want him to fall, get hurt, then be afraid to pull up again. This time I happen to be waking with camera in hand (it was meant to be). Sorry about the Kermit/Grover/Big Bird soundtrack playing in the back. Oh and also, I'm doing my stupid narration again. I even scared my baby at the end causing him to land on his bum. Why did I have to yell so loud? On the other hand, if I don't say anything it doesn't seem right. Plus, I think when I talk it motivates him. I have that effect on some people.