Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ear Candy

I realize that what I've downloaded for everyone to "watch" is ridiculous because it's nothing but darkness. It was early when I took the video and our bedroom was still dark. This morning Carmine was laying in bed, his usual routine, while Brad and I got the boys out the door for school. He does this most mornings. He is so happy. Fully rested, full tummy, clean diaper. After the boys are on the bus Brad and I usually lay on the bed staring down on him with big grins on our faces. "How did we get such cute kids?" we ask. This morning I thought I better capture the moment because right now he doesn't want me out of his sight, and next week he'll be going to college and ripping my heart out.

If you look carefully you can sort of see his greyish colored outline in the dark. I wanted to get closer, and one time I did, but when he sees me he immediately stops and just stares at the camera. So this is actually taken from the doorway of our bedroom. So excuse the grain.

I have no idea who he's talking to. God? Doesn't matter. It's like candy for my ears.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Holy Grasshoppers Batman!

Wow. During lunch today Ethan cried out, "look at that bug!!" Over Dominic's left shoulder on the screen was a pretty darn big grasshopper. I mean, I know they say things are bigger in Texas, but now everyone can see for themselves that they aren't lying. This bad boy had at least a 6 inch wing span.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Carmine's very own bed!

Thank you Grandma & Papa Colorado for Carmine's new bed! We slapped on the boys' old bedding and it looks gorgeous!

For the past two weekends Brad has been working diligently in the garage making room for the guestroom furniture so we could fit Carmine's crib in his new guestroom/nursery. Now the big question is, when will he start sleeping in it? Until he starts sleeping through the night I'm not near ready for the 2AM trek upstairs... so until he gives us more nights with more sleep, the crib will ber used for his short-lived, few and far between naps.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Developmental Milestone for the Ragu

Today Carmine started reaching for things that interest him. It was so sweet looking at the determined look on his face.

It's hard to believe that it's already going by so fast.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Carmine's First Chuckle

Monsters Shmonsters! Cookie Monster got the first giggle out of Carmine... Or was it Uncle Daryl's funny face?? Who knows. The point is everyone loves to hear a baby laugh so watch the video and smile.